Dear Jackie,
I noticed that you also have a thing for denim wear. Isn't it just so fantastic how versatile denim can be? I mean, you can allude to fantasies about Cowboys and Indians, kind of like in this photograph of you and Joan. She would be the fair maiden representing indigenous cultures around the world, pure white and untouched while you represent western civilization rescuing said child from whimsical notions of naturally living off the land. The cowboy represents a pillar of globalization enabling better individual access to cultural diversity through the export of things like Hollywood and, to a lesser extent, Bollywood movies.
However some consider such "imported" culture a danger, since it may supplant the local culture, causing reduction in diversity or even assimilation. On the other hand it could promote peace and understanding between peoples. Or perhaps it creates monoculture in which no distinctions exist and everyone just shift between various lifestyles in terms of music, clothing and other aspects once more firmly attached to a single culture. Thus not mere cultural assimilation as mentioned above but the obliteration of culture as we know it today.
Hmmm... A lot to think about Jackie!